Exhale. Inhale.
I spent the weekend in the writer’s world at the Re:Write Conference in Austin, TX. Sitting in a room with giants in the writing arena like George Barna, Mark Batterson, Ted Dekker, Mary DeMuth, and Crystal Paine (and more) was quite intimidating. To be very honest, I was paralyzed with intimidation. I sent Scott the following text, “Feel like a fish out of water. Perhaps I should just stay at home and forget about this publishing stuff.”
My momentary feeling of intimidation melted away when I heard these words: “You have arrived at exactly the right place and exactly the right time and the right time is now. You are not too late. Not one day has been spent in vain. Your Father knows what He is doing.” My computer screen was blurred as the tears filled my eyes. My fingers struggled to land on the appropriate keys. My mind could scarcely comprehend what had just happened.
In one breathe I exhaled my fears and in the next inhaled His hope.
The God of the universe meet me in Texas. Without taking His eye off the trouble our nation is facing, the homeless sleeping in cardboard boxes, the orphaned in remote Uganda, the teenage runaway, the crying single mother desperate for a job, He personally meet me.
My soul needed to be reminded that my Father knows what He is doing. I thought since I needed to hear this truth you might need to hear it too. I don’t know where you are or what circumstances are overwhelming and intimidating you today, but my sweet friend, “Your Father knows what He is doing. Not one day has been spent in vain.”
Exhale your fears and inhale His hope.
Just like Esther…what a reassurance from God!
thank you so much. I love those moments. How beautiful and special. Peace be with you
Thank you Wendy. I am encouraged.
“Your Father knows what He is doing. Not one day has been spent in vain.”
Wendy…the exact words I needed to hear. Oh , if only you could have read an email I sent earlier. Questioning. Doubting. Wondering. Thank You Lord for Your response through Your faithful messenger Wendy.
Continuing on with assurance,
Hugs, love and prayers,
Exhale your fears and inhale His hope.
I am going to do this all day!
Thank you.
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