The Sin Cycle

“Again the Israelites did evil in the Lord’s sight.”

Judges 10:6

Again. Again.

We sin. Sometimes habitually. Let’s face it; if habitual sin did not have power over or bring pleasure to us we would not continue to yield. Before we know it we are stuck in a cycle. There is only one way to break the cycle.

Real repentance is the key to breaking the power of repetitive sin. Repentance is more than saying “I am sorry” to God. Real repentance is a change of mind leading to change of heart resulting in a change action.

God is full of grace, when His children repent, he forgives. Just as He heard the cry of repentance from the Israelites, He hears our cry. Our sin is not greater than His grace.

More of the Story –  Judges 10:6-17


  1. I feel like that at times – being caught in a cycle…needing to break the cycle yet once again. I definitely need the power of God to rescue me. I waste time and to me that is sin. Since my job has lessened, I don’t know what to do with my once-busy self. I am praying for opportunities to be involved somewhere during the week days. It’s a different season for me.

  2. Among many things, I love this about God! He’s a forgiving God! Do you think many of us continue to repeatedly sin because we know God will forgive? I know people, and I’ve said it myself, “Lord, if you get me out of this, I promise I won’t do it again!” Or, “God, please forgive me for the sin I committed. I won’t go it again!” And we do it again!

  3. So then how do we break the cycle? I am stuck in a cycle of habitual sin and even though i thought i did repent, maybe i just said “i’m sorry” to God because it keeps happening! And then i feel terrible about myself afterward. How do i come to a point of true repentence? Is it only true repentance if it never happens again? I’m sick and tired of falling captive to Satan’s schemes and breaking my Father’s heart.

    1. Amanda,
      You said exactly what I keep going through… and through…. and through! I’m beyond tired of it and I don’t know what to do next….

      1. Sin is a choice , a decision….so is real repentance. Its really just a simple decision. Its up to you, ive been struggling as well, but ive had it, so I got alone with God, and repented, and pray each time temptation comes for self -control, self discipline and sound mind, shout Satan get behind me, a claim your victory in Christ! God has given you the power, dont allow the devil to trip you up, get passionate for Christ , get involved, and be Obediant, believe and trust that the cycle has already been broken…..just step into Gods word, pray, and definetly have accountability partners!! God bless!

  4. Gosh, I can relate to repeating sins, and falling short. I feel bad when I omit saying morning prayers or just choose to do something that seems unworthy like watching a TV show that does not lead me to God. It is true that we need God’s grace to overcome our weaknesses. I pray for an increase of love so these other foolish things do not take up my time. A life is so short and I do not want to waste it. I encourage everyone to pray more, and to pray for people who do not know to pray because then that prayer time, even if it is short will help bring grace to someone else and it is not wasted time.It is a way to love God and neighbor.

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