The Wrong Question
I am not one to disclose personal details, you probably know that about me by now, but God has really been getting in my personal business lately. January 1, 2013 I invited God to create in me a clean heart. (Psalm 51:10) The clean heart would be accompanied by a steadfast (faithful, firm, and certain) spirit. It all sounded good. Let me be honest, I had no idea what I was getting myself into. I was so naive.
A girl should really do some serious praying before praying a verse over her life. God’s Word is powerful and there are no take-backs, at least for me there aren’t. I thought God would slap my wrist about what I was listening to and watching. He had done this before, it caused some discomfort and had its challenges but I got through it. So basically, I thought this was gonna be a refresher’s course. I was wrong, real wrong. He got personal, real personal.
He went straight to the heart, no coddling or easing into the process. Within the first two weeks of the year He showed me how unclean my heart was. I really just wanted Him to clean it, not show me the filth. What I saw and continue to see is harsh! With God, the harsh comes with grace. Grace to see me through, to see what I need to see, and change what I need to change. He supplied grace through the words of my friend who taught our Sunday School class today.
His grace taught me that I had been asking God the wrong question. Rather than asking, “What do you want me to learn in this situation?” I should be asking, “What do you want me to unlearn in this situation?”
It took years of wrong doing and wrong thinking to get my heart this unclean. Instead of learning only a lesson, I need to unlearn the habits and thinking patterns that ushered me to this place. All the Biblical knowledge in the world is worthless to your life unless you allow it transform your heart, mind, and actions.
“God, what do you want me to unlearn today. Help me to use what I know about You and Your Word to transform my heart, mind, and actions. What I don’t know, teach me.”
yes it is difficult. i am angry about it alot of the time because i really didnt sign up for alla this, i thought i was getting a life solution but all i seem to be getting is God getting in my business changing everything about my life(not in a good way) and making me get to know people id rather not know. Its frustrating and im constantly being strecthed and feel like i walked into a disaster. Like there is a fight going on God is getting ready to judge everyone and i had the unfortunate fate of showing up right when the punishments are being handed out. thanks. It’s really annoying and i never wanted any of this. I am trying to let Him do whatever HE wants but i mean does it really take alla this? I mean it feels like that teacher that spends all day harassing you about a c grade never mind you got all A
‘s previously they keep harping on the C. Im like God can you focus on the A why is it all you seem to do is tell me what im doing wrong? I mean ALL the time. are other people going through this or is it just me. I’m ready to stop this ride and get off.thanks
A, whatever u do, please don’t throw in the, thatz wut satan want u. Jesus bore it all on the cross. God sees and A HE knows wut we face in this life. I know how u feel, been there. I have had my share of failure, heartaches, pain, disappointments, and set backs. I felt alone and felt like no one really cared, here I am on the surface I looked like I had it going on, but beneathe A, I was broken and falling apart…But God! When I began to learn who I was in Christ and that I was special to the Heart of God and that I was better than and more than a doormat to walked on and trash can to have someone dump their belittling, hurtful and damaging words into me. And that I was a child of God. Beautiful daughter of Zion, more than a conqueror, a victorious woman of God, an Overcomer, adopted in the family of God and is of a royal priesthood. And that’s who you are. God loves you! He just need you to put your faith and trust in Him. Jesus said to cast all your cares upon Him. In this life we, God’s children will have trials and tribulatios but God will help us get through them. And each test you past will make you stronger. Many are the afflictions of the righteous, but God will deliver them out of them all. It was God’s Holy Word that got me through. And being in a church where His Spirit dwells and we are taught the Word and how to apply the Word to our lives. And how to speak life and not curses. Our words create worlds. So we must watch what we say and how we say it.
. The abuse and low self-esteem, God was breaking those things off of me. I began to see me like HE saw me. And when I wasrepeat after the preacher(who is now my pastor, praise God), that the joy of the Lordis my strength, and that I no longer have a past because my past is covered under the Blood of Jesus and that God no longer remember my
Sorry, I’m learning how to work this sensitive phone.
What I was saying A is that I received my breakthrough. And I had an anointed man of God and his wife take me under their wings and worked with. A true man who hears from God. I joined his church in 2001 & I’m still there. Have been through a lot physically and mentally but I trust God His Word. He’s real A, His Word is real. I cannot express it enough. Whatever it is, just know that you are Loved, you are not alone, the day that you gave your life to Jesus Christ your past was covered under the Precious Blood of Jesus! You no longer have a past but a future in and with God! God no longer remembers your past, you’ve been forgiven so take this to heart and begin to recognize that you are blessed and start afresh. Let Jesus lead and carry you. Pray more and think positive knowing that the Lotd will help
through those hard timespastPrecious Blood of JJesus. yoyou accdone so much in my life and i!n the lives of oothers, others, male and female. I’ve witnessed miracles and deliverances
Wow y’all….I’m sorry. That’s some heavy stuff first thing on a Monday morning. I can’t say I feel your pain, so I will just try to encourage you to stay the course, and that prayerfully, when God is done “purifying”, “cleaning”, “molding”, and “polishing” it will all be worth what you have gone through.
AWESOME post Wendy!!! I have a lot of unlearning to do too!! WOW that is powerful!! never thought of it that way! Thanks for listening to God and being vulnerable to share it with us so we can all learn from you! God Bless you ♥
God is good! All the time! I read something from Lysa Terkeurst in which she stated a simple prayer which was in line with “God, unsettle me.” The more I thought about it, the more I knew I had to pray the same thing. I have not been settled since. God has been good and faithful to place me on His Potter’s wheel and continually reshape and then reshape me again. I know I stand more confident in who I am through Christ now. Wendy, I know that your confidence in your Jesus-ness must be increased too. Amen!