How Do You Smell?
Last Thursday we celebrated my son’s 13th birthday. Six teenage boys invaded my home for a long 24 hour stay. Here’s a picture to prove it….
My man-cub is the blond in the front. It is hard to imagine how terrible these boys smell by just looking at this picture. (Good thing there is not a scratch and sniff option.) After paint balling and outside play, the aroma that filled the air was far from the sweet smell of a lilac bouquet. And when this wild bunch left the room, they did not take their smell with them, no, they left it behind for the next person who walked in the room to experience.
This got me thinking about spiritual things and if I am honestly, none spiritual things. The none spiritual is quite obvious, these boys need a bath before they go to bed, where’s my Febreeze, and last but not least, I sure hope they all brought deodorant .”
The lingering smell, that by the way permeated every room they spent time it, brought to mind a familiar verse from Paul’s second letter to the church in Corinth:
2 Corinthians 2:15
“For we are to God the pleasing aroma of Christ among those who are being saved and those who are perishing.”
I begin to wonder, “What aroma do I leave behind in the rooms of my house, in the marketplace where I do life, and where I work. Do I cause others to run for the “Febreeze” or wonder, “What is up with her?” Or do I cause others to smile, feel uplifted, and wonder, “what has she got that makes her like that?”
After careful consideration I have come to the conclusion there are times I stink up a room and other times I leave behind the pleasant aroma of Christ.
I don’t like my conclusion, just keepin it real. I pray that each day I will smell better than the day before.
Wendy, I always smell Jesus on you.
Wendy, I agree with Zoe as well!!!!
Grateful for you and your smell!!
Mema Jeanne, NC
Hilarious! what a great commentary and comparison! Thanks Wendy for the laugh. You do smell great by the way!
I love this comparison Wendy!! And God very much wanted me to contemplate on this!!
The scent of Christ is what I desire more than my favorite perfume!! And since I had the pleasure of meeting you in Sharon, Ma. I can honestly say that you smell like Jesus Wendy!! Enjoy these precious years as your man cub grows into the man of God he is destined to become!! God Bless, Julie