Thankful Thursday-Psalm 53

Thankful Thursday

Each Thursday we share something for which we are thankful.

I am thankful for God’s sustaining power.  All can do all things through Christ Jesus!

Study Questions

Follow the link to download today’s study questions

Psalm 53 February 7

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  1. I am so thankful the Lord led me to Proverbs 31 ministries and to this Bible study. I had never heard of this ministry until a month ago and had never done an online study. I signed up for two of them and am learning so much from the studies and from the women who share their thoughts. Thank you Lord for your unfailing love!!! I love the prayer on the questions today Wendy from Psalm 90:14. I am going to start praying that everyday. I am going to continue to diligently seek him. How awesome this world would be if everyone would decide to be and anywho!!! How it would delight the heart of God to look down and see His children seeking diligently for HIM and not the things of this world!!! I can totally relate to trying to seek for things other than God and getting nothing in return on my investment. Love how you put that. I pray for all of us in this study to seek hard after the Father and for this world to seek after Him. Lord this is my prayer today. “I have put off the old man and have put on the new man, which is renewed in the knowledge after the image of Him that created me” (Colossians 3:10).
    Have a thankful Thursday!!!!

  2. I am thankful that God is allowing my husband and I to minister together in Taiwan. I am also thankful for His provision in every way. Even when I am not being faithful to God, He is always faithful to me.

  3. I am thankful for our new house , finished construction last september. It gave me the new beginning I was praying for. Even though we did not plan for it — it came as a result of our old home burning down. I am thanking God for this season of winter, which I hear other people complaining about….the peacefulness and quiet of it when it snows, the beauty of snow on evergreens, coming into a warm, cozy house and sitting by the fire….I love it.

  4. Thankful for God’s faithfulness. His promises are solid and simple, not a maze that we must work through, really. In reading Hebrews 11:6 I decided to look of the word “reward”. Misthapodotes – It said a recompenser, a rewarder. Recompense is defined as compensation or reward given for loss or harm suffered or effort made. REWARD FOR EFFORT MADE. I just let that settle for a minute. If we just make and effort, just an effort we will be rewarded. It tells me our Father in Heaven just can’t wait for us to make an effort to seek him. Just that little effort is rewarded. I compare this to the only thing that I can compare it to…my mother/child relationship. How much I want to reward my son if he shows just a little effort. I am so thankful for our Heavenly Father’s desire to reward us, to show us just how much He loves us. Time and time again it is revealed to us in scripture.

  5. Everyday when I wake up I am thankful for Salvation. I am a new creation through him. I have many blessings in my life-but the one that stands out the most is that I now have life-everything else falls into place when we are in Christ.

  6. I am thankful for the people God has placed in my life, people I took for granted before. I am thankful for the trials I have gone thru because God in his never ending love for me allowed me to be completely broken and empty so that I would cry out to Him and Him alone. At first I felt like I was being punished by him but now I see what a blessing it has been and how it has changed my life and the life of my family. I am so very thankful for my good friend Lesa who led me to Proverbs 31 where I can be filled with God’s word on so many levels! I am thankful he loves me with all of my flaws and failures with all of my doubts with all of my weaknesses He still loves me! I am thankful that he puts a calling on my heart to seek him first in everything I do, before I never gave him a thought except on Sundays or in times of selfish need oh how thankful I am that he reached down and pulled me back into his loving arms and cradled me. I now know what true love is – Matthew West’s song ” I love you more than” says it all! I am thankful he loves me enough to never let me go and enough to teach me how to shine for him! I am thankful for this study and all the wonderful ladies in it:)

      1. Thank you, for share this video! It has spoke to me. I put how thankful I’m god my husband. But, I’m so thankful for God healing in my life! God, blessing to you.

        1. Thank you, jflorine, for sharing this song. I have never heard of it, so I went to youtube and listened. I, too, am so very thankful for His love for me even when I fail Him so often. I loved the visual of His Hand placed over the soldier-He is our Protector.
          Thankful that He sees me and He made me,
          Mema Jeanne

    1. Thank you for posting the video! I didn’t even think of doing that. Still trying to learn all this computer stuff:) I am so very thankful for this study and all open hearts that are sharing God is truly at work thru this study! Blessings to all of you ladies!!

  7. I am thankful for God sustaining me and my family through a very difficult year. I’m thankful that He is ever faithful, even when I’m not. I’m thankful that when you are hanging on by a thread that He is there with that rope to pull you out. It has been a hard year, but there is a season for everything. I have learned throughout my life that He is really the only constant in this world and the only thing to cling to sometimes. I’m thankful that when all around me is failing that I can trust Him to see me through and know that there is always hope. I’m trusting Him to lead my family in the direction that we should go in. Finally, I am thankful that He who began a good work in me will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus. He is taking me out of a dark period. Thank you for loving me.

  8. Thankfulness wells up within me any time I have an opportunity to be in God’s Word, especially with a group of women. I have long loved small-group Bible Studies. Of course, with technology today small groups may become a rare thing, but there is still something personal and transforming about coming together to diligently seek God with all our heart. My quandary is in defining “with all your heart”. I feel I am often divided into numerous roles and callings…..tugging me in one direction or another. To give myself totally to ONE goal seems impossible, until I stop and realize that the only way all the other quests in my life will be even possible is to prioritize properly. Originally I do believe God designed us to be Spirit, Soul and Body. With sin, man twisted that into Body, Soul and Spirit. It is an ongoing effort to try to realign and recalibrate that divine sequence. Being able to read, meditate on and love God’s infallible and inerrant word in the company of others who love Him, is a beautiful and effective way to commence.

    1. Never though of it like that but I totally agree with “man twisted that into Body, Soul and Spirit last.” How that must grieve the Father. Thanks for sharing that!!

  9. Wendy – thank you for sharing your simple prayer “Lord help me love you”. I have often found myself praying for what I believe (emphasis here is, “what I believe”!) will help me grow in my relationship with the Lord, rather than simply praying for HIS HELP to grow close to him. Today’s truth for me is that I don’t have to tell God what I think I need, (which is exhausting as I try to figure THAT out!), but I can simply ask him to help me love him. What peace of mind kowing that because I am seeking him with all my heart, he will reward me! Thank you Lord, for you unending love!!!

    1. That is so good, “what I believe” I had a major revelation here, that is so how I pray!! 🙁 Thanks I will pray differently from now on. Not my will but HIS be done!!!

  10. I am thankful that God has Blessed me with all of my needs, not necessarily all of my wants. He is All knowing and holds my future. I am learning that if I am still and trust Him more, He will provide my true needs and pour out Blessings on my life.

    1. Amen! A verse I always go back to when things don’t always happen the way I think they should is Prov. 3:5-6: Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.

  11. I am thankful for God’s perfect timing and for his faithful provison of EVERY need…not just finanical needs, but spiritual, emotional, physical, etc.

  12. It is 3 years ago today that my dad passed away and I am thankful that God healed our relationship before my dad died. I was given the time to go to his house and cook and spend time with him before he was admitted to the hospital and later on I was able to stay with him at the hospice. The time that we had together was priceless and I wouldn’t have had it if God hadn’t intervened.

  13. I am thankful for God’s grace. No matter how hard I try to live as God would have me to, I am human and make mistakes. Thankfully God is there to forgive and pick me up each time I fail and get discouraged. He calms my fears and gives me the strength to continue the journey.

  14. I am thankful that He never changes!

    In life’s extremes (when things are really good or really bad) I tend to get caught up in myself and in life (earthly things) and I quit seeking Him. When I quit seeking Him I lose hold of certain truths. For one, I ALWAYS need Him! Even when life is good and I may think I don’t. Secondly, God ALWAYS cares for me even when life seems so bad and it feels like He isn’t there.

    Thank you God for being the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. And thank you for putting up with my wishy washy ways. 🙂

  15. I am thankful for the beautiful warm sun, the Creator of Heaven and Earth as blessed us with. The warmth provides feelings of Hope.

  16. I am grateful for this study. It is another tool for me to use to help me get closer to my goal of continually thinking about God. This study has helped me realize that God is seeking me too! It is such a good feeling to be pursued. I am thankful that I can pursue God and by doing so make him feel good too.

  17. I am thankful for the close relationships I have with God, my family, and quality of friends in my life. I am so blessed to have so many positive relationships in my life.

  18. Here is my Truth Thursday truth: “If you are not seeing God it is because you are simply not looking.” This is a Jill quote if you’d like to use it. Lol! “You will seek Me and find Me when you seek Me with all your heart.” Jeremiah 29:13. The word seeking in simple terms means ‘to look for’ so if you (I) are not seeing God at work during your (my) day, in your (my) life, in your (my) spouse, on your (my) job, in your (my) home, or in your (my) church then the problem most likely is not with these things but with you (me)! You (I) are not really seeking. You (I) are not truly looking for God with the right attitude, the right heart, the right faith because if you (I) were, then you (I) would find Him. That is just the way it is today Thursday, February 7, 2013. It’s just the plain truth. Ooooh, I think I am going to like Truth Thursdays. Love to all who receive this.

    1. Oops I messed up again. It is Thanksgiving Thursday!!!!!! I am thankful that God reveals His truths to me daily. Sometimes small and quietly and at other times big loud crashing truths but always timely. So thankful for that.

  19. I’m thankful for God’s healing touch on my husband. My husband has been battling prostate cancer for the last 15 months. It has mastie to every bone in his body. But, thank God he doing well. He able to continue to work everyday and do all that he wants and can. I’m just so thankful for what God is and can do in my husband’s life.

  20. Thanks be to God. I am thankful to my Mother who dragged me to church. I am thankful to my Father who loved me enough to discipline me. I am thankful for my family. My list is as endless as are God’s blessings. As a person who works with special needs children, I am thankful to have been born with all my body parts, in a reasonably healthy state, and able to learn.

  21. Often, I have been asking him to walk with me, teach me, unsure of where I am going sometimes or why I am here, but he knows and I find myself waiting. I love the prayer in the the study: “I begin to pray a simple prayer, “Lord help me love you” and then added, “Satisfy me in the morning with your unfailing love that I might sing for joy and be glad all my days.” (Psalm 90:14) Do you know what He did? He answered me.” It’s my new prayer.

  22. This is the first time i joined an online Bible study. I was afraid initially that if I will be able to manipulate the web to get to the right site and other computer problem due to unfamiliarity to this new step I took. I really thank God, I have no problem so far and enjoying focusing on the same psalm for a wk. Thank God for His goodness.

  23. I’m thankful god gave me the strong Christian heritage from both parents and their families. I have been blessed all my life with amazing examples of how to live a life with Christ.

  24. I think what I’m MOST thankful for is God’s NEVER ENDING LOVE and FORGIVENESS! The fact that He loved us when we were so UNLOVABLE (and unworthy) really goes to the core of WHO HE IS! I’m so incredibly grateful for our relationship!

  25. I am so thankful for God’s love and provision. I am glad to be in God’s word. Blessings Diana

  26. Today I am thankful to a Father who has blessed with more than I can possibly need or want….in every area of my life His blessings rain down on me and my precious family daily!
    Thank you, Father:)

  27. I am thankful for the challenges in life. They show me that I can’t do it all and I need God to lean on and put my trust in Him.

  28. Today I am most thankful that God never gave up on me, that he kept patiently waiting for me to seek him, and that even while I was lost (misplaced?), he didn’t let me succumb completely to the worldly pressures around me.

  29. I’m thankful that my daughter put on her shoes… It took us 8 tries, but she didn’t bite herself and I kept calm… New shoes UGH!

  30. I am thankful for God’s patience and unwaivering love for me. In August, I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer. I am thankful for this challenge as it drew me closer to Him. I am thankful for the people He put in my life. It’s all part of His plan.

  31. I am thankful that at the cross Jesus looked through space and time to see a young, 12-year-old girl living in difficult times and called her to Himself, that He saw that same young girl as an adult wandering through a difficult decade of her husband’s chronic migraines unsure of God’s love for them and waited patiently for her to seek Him with her whole heart.

  32. I keep a gratitude journal that I write in nightly before bedtime. What I am grateful varies with each day … but there are some foundational things that are always on the list … Jesus, Spirit (my best friend), God the Father … for in them I have all things!

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