Thankful Thursday

What you thankful for today? My our praise but pleasing to you Lord. Be high and lifted up!

Oh, how thankful I am for His Word and its exactness. Every word and illustration is connected.

Study Questions

Psalm 55 Study Questions February 21


  1. Lord thank you for the truths in Your word that help us from day to day live out Your will for our lives while we are here on this earth. Thank you that’s it’s alive and working for us.

  2. Today, I have not long returned from volunteering at a Night shelter for the homeless and I am very thankful to have a home to return to. I am determined to appreciate that I have a roof over my head, but at the same time know that life circumstances can bring huge changes through family breakdown, financial losses etc which can lead to anyone facing a homeless situation. I thanked God for each homeless person I met this morning and pray that their circumstances will change for the better.

  3. I’m so very thankful for God’s protection of my daughter Dana. She has uncontrolled seizures, and when she falls, He protects her from getting seriously hurt. Just the other day, she fell right where there was a pillow on the floor to protect her head. There is no doubt that God is present and protecting in my home.

  4. I am so thankful for God’s daily love for me and my family. I am thankful for his words that I am truly understanding better.

  5. I am thankful that I was led to this bible study and I am thankful for God’s love and forgiveness.

  6. Help request… Last question reference… He provides food for the cattle and for the young ravens when they call. (Psalms 147:9 NIV84) ?

  7. I am so thankfu for our Father’s Word … His faithfulness to me, answered prayers even when I do not like the answer, for His healing hand always at work in me in one way or another, all of that He has provided me, and the blessing of my family that He has entrusted me with, for the Holy Spirit and for Jesus–the ruler of my heart!

  8. Wendy, I am very thankful for your study questions this morning, and this quote, in particular:

    “We crowd God out when we stay close to the situation, trying to exact our own revenge. In responding to our impulses, making no room for God, we align ourselves with the likes of Absalom and Ahithophel.”

    I have a teenage son who struggles tremendously in school. In fact, he simply struggles with knowing his purpose and with being confident. Even though I know it is not God’s will, I tend to worry and carry much anxiety around for him. And then I try to “fix” things on my own. Bad idea.

    I sensed God using your quote this morning not so much in regards to revenge, but in regards to trusting Him during difficulties. I sensed Him saying, “This is what you’re doing. You’re staying too close to the situation, holding too tightly to your son. He’s My son, and I am working My plan! TRUST Me and watch your difficulties as they prove to be the ‘scene-setters for My glorious intervention’!”

    Thanks be to God for utilizing you to write those words, Wendy! May He bless you richly!

    1. As I was reading today this seemed to fit what is going on in my life now. I have 3 daughters-2 of which are teenagers. Trust in My Love and My infinite wisdom. I can work changes in your loved ones’ lives beyond anything you might ask or imagine. As you release these precious ones to Me, linger awhile in My unfailing Love-for them and also for you.

    2. I am especially thankful for these words that Wendy wrote also. They pointed me back to the part of the verse that says, “but leave room for God”. I have read Romans 12:19 many, many times and always focused on the admonition to not take revenge, but skipped over the portion regarding leaving room for God. I visualize staying close to the situation as “hovering and fretting.” I do both extremely well. It made me think of a quote from Corrie ten Boom……”Hold everything in your hands lightly, otherwise it hurts when God pries your fingers open.” I laugh each time I read that, but also acknowledge that it is serious business. My situation is more about trying to “fix things” than it is about revenge…..but the revenge part is also duly noted! Thank you for your insight, Wendy, and thank you for your application, linsumay.

  9. I just wanted to add that I am very, very thankful that I am home today (due to weather) and spending much needed time in the word.

  10. I am thankful that the Lord knows me personally. God knows where I am weak, where I hide and that while I fight my battle to end personal anger, God knows what I must do and will reveal it to me. God will urge me even when I refuse to face the pain, God will hold me up and he will help me.
    I am also thankful that He gives my husband the ability to remain calm when his own heartbreak tugs at him. And that while I long for more than I have, a better job, better hours to care for my home and provide comfort for my children, God has provided what I need. I can’t complain about my job and my hours have improved. Sadly, I still want more and I don’t know where to be satisfied with my life. I still am thankful for my life and that I have one at all.

  11. This evening I am especially thankful that I have been able to carve out some time in God’s Word; it kept looking like that wasn’t going to happen but I need it and was longing for it, so I am grateful. I am also especially thankful today for my family and friends, for my ability to understand God’s word, and for His help reducing my anxieties today. Praise Jah!

  12. This evening I am especially thankful that I have been able to carve out some time in God’s Word; it kept looking like that wasn’t going to happen but I need it and was longing for it, so I am grateful.

  13. I’m thankful that even though “vengence is His”… He often sees fit to pour mercy and grace over us even though we are so undeserving. I’m thankful our God is a god of balance and it’s not all wrath and judgement.

    1. Oh, I am so very thankful for that too. God knows I am deserving of the consequences of my sins and shows me great mercy. Thank you Jesus for forgiveness.

  14. Dear Wendy & Sisters:

    I’m very thankful for God’s mercies and kindness to me and my family. He has led me to the hidden truth in my life. Great results!! The truth made me free and I am free indeed.
    God bless you all

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