Psalm 56 – Message

By this…

“By this I will know that God is for me.”
Psalm 56:9b

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How did David survive the back stabbing, word twisting, and all the plots against Him?

How can we survive the back stabbing, word twisting, and plots against us?

David says, “By this…”

  • Trust in what I know.  Get to know God so God is what I know. (V9)
  • Believe He is for me. Let Him be for me rather than me being for myself. (V9)
  • Boast in His Word. Be in His Word so I can best in it. I can’t boast in something I don’t know.(V10)

1 Samuel 27




  1. I love that she uses that chronological bible to teach! I have got to get one of those. I just never saw how so many things related to each other.

    It’s just amazing how God is constantly active in David (and our) life. He never takes a break. He is always looking out for us and directing/leading us. It’s nice to be reminded of that when I’m lead to a place that I don’t like. I can KNOW that I’m safe there and I can let God work and praise Him in the process. I’m sure if I would let God work and I would quit trying to do what only He can do, my time in that place would probably we much shorter!

    1. Oh how I can relate to that. About a week ago when I was in the Word, I felt the spirit say to me “Let me work.” I have a hard time of letting go and letting GOD.

      1. That is funny you say that “Let me work”. I had a similar thing said to me in the first week of this study, “Let me be perfect through you”. This was in response to my struggle to be perfect, even though I know it is impossible. It is hard to let go. It is comforting to know He doesn’t expect us to do it all. He wants to do it through us if we will just let Him. 🙂

  2. I love the verse “When I am afraid, in You I place my trust God, I praise your promise; in you I trust, I do not fear” (NAB) To know God is there in our weakest moments is so reassuring and when I am afraid and I just start to praise Him and thank Him my heart settles and this peace fills me and I feel like He has wrapped His arms around me and is holding onto me. I know that His will is for his greater glory and my greater good. We have an amazing God and I am so very thankful for Him and for the blessings of this study!

  3. I love that God helps us in our fear, and reminds us that we need not fear man. Keeps our focus on our eternal rather than our temporary life. V.4 & 11 always bring to mind Matthew 10:28 – “Do not fear those who kill the body but are unable to kill the soul; but rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.” Thank you Lord for keeping us focused and keeping life in perspective through Your word!

  4. Believe He is for me. Let Him be for me rather than me being for myself. (V9)

    This is so hard to do when I am working through abandonment issues and yet it is the very truth that will set me free from the sins committed against me.

    I think I need to memorize this verse.

  5. Verse 4 really stuck with me: In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I will not be afraid. What can mortal man do to me? (NIV)

    Why do I put so much thought into what others think? Why am I so afraid of what someone’s reaction is going to be? What can MORTAL man do to me? The only approval I need is from God. The notes in my Bible talk about how mortal man is “flesh” – i.e. man’s feebleness compared to God’s power. Then it references Ps. 10:18 notes which says man constitutes no ultimate threat.

    I have always worried about how others will perceive me, but this verse is a great reminder that I have nothing to be afraid of. I need to put my trust in God instead of my trust in man.

    1. mmueller – I too used to struggle with what others thought of me and perceived me. And at times it still rears it ugly head – but I have found that when we know who we really are in Christ – when we know the value and worth He has placed on us as His own – that truth rises up and dispells the fear.

      Bless you,

  6. I read the story of David and Goliath to my Sunday school class not long ago. The story couldn’t have been more uplifting to my circumstances at the time. It seemed that David’s trust that God would fight with him and for him, was the reminder I needed at the time. I still have to think on that when I start to worry about another day.
    It is peculiar that David chose to flee to the Palenstines. I’m not sure I can really apply that situation to my life, but I can look at this story to be reminded of God’s consistency, that He never gave up on David and will never give up on any one of us. What an amazing and powerful God. Thank you Jesus for being the way for me.

  7. It is really amazing that David chose to camp with the enemy and yet, I believe we all are tempted and may do this at times in our life. Perhaps it is difficult to see how we do this when most of us do not have out right Philistines in our life. However, the “enemy” may not be so vivid as the Philistines. It could be that the “enemy” is more vague…like when we decide to “camp” with a friend that we know tends to gossip which will either create a false feeling of security or superiority by being in the “know”. Or perhaps we run and listen to advice from co-workers or friends that will give us self-sufficient worldly wisdom and not wisdom from the Lord. I believe the enemy is not our friend or co-worker but the outcome we may gain from running to those that we know will not direct us to the Lord when we are at our most weakest moments. Satan is cunning and he works in half truths and half lies. The truth is that wisdom from friends can be a blessing. The lie is that we need to run to others first for support and direction before going to the Lord.

  8. Dear Wendy & Sisters:

    I had a wonderful experience for 12 weeks with the Lord. This was a very vivid , personal experience which has helped me in my christian walk, face my personal issues, grow and trust him as I am getting to know him.
    God bless you

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