Peace Waiting

I could talk for days about plastic peacemaking and stuffing. It has been my MO for years. By nature I am non-controversial. This way of thinking has taught me avoiding the conflict does not bring about resolution, but builds barriers and barriers break down relationships. Conflicts need resolution, peace, and honesty but sometimes, resolution and peace have to wait until our soul’s integrity honestly catches up with the situation.

Yes, sometimes peace means waiting and real honesty!

The honesty the Holy Spirit gives might prove we are right but it might prove we are wrong. His honesty provides the wisdom we need to patiently walk through the conflict in a godly way. It will also give us the grace to wait.

In addition to being non-controversial I am also a quick-to-fix-it ready-to-solve-it girl. Recently when confronted with a very hurtful conflict in which I was clearly wronged I uncharacteristically pressed the pause bottom. Rather than rushing to place blame and redeem my name I ran to the Lord. As I dumped my pain in His very capable hands I felt peace, the peace to wait.

The conflict did come to a solution many weeks later. I was wronged. The person did apologize and the relationship has been mended. It all ended beautifully and in a godly way. The lessons I learned have prepared me for the next conflict I will face.

This conflict ended well, but not all my conflicts do, nor I am so naive as to believe all conflicts end peacefully. Whether the conflict ends well or does not end well , our job is to be a peacemaker and we are blessed for doing as we are told. “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God.” Matthew 5:9 This means pursuing peace as much as it is up to us. If our pursuit of of peace is not received by the one with whom we have the conflict rest  assured it is received and seen by our Lord. God will give us peace, even if we are unable live in peace with the person (s).

Today, if I can pray for you and a conflict you are facing, leave a comment. Please don’t give any details as to protect the integrity of all involved. May you be blessed with His great peace today!


One Comment

  1. Hi Wendy
    This is an old post but I’m going back thru my old emails to clean them out and found this one that is very appropriate.
    My prayer request is for the conflict that my sister is causing due to her intense spiritual and emotional struggles. Please pray that she’ll find her way back to God, Who is the only one that can provide the peace she’s searching for in all the wrong places.
    Thank you!

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