Defusing Explosions

Day 10

Lysa used the word imagined. She imagined what it would be like to explode and did not like the feeling it gave her. The keys to defusing our explosions are:

1. Pause

2. Envision

There’s that word again, pause. It is a temporary rest or stop in speech or action. Rest or stop. Speech or action. In other words:  sit down and shut the mouth. It sounds so easy to write but hard to execute.

God has perfect timing and always presents opportunities to put into practice what He is teaching. For instance, tonight a couple hours before I sat down to prepare today’s post I had one of those opportunities. Do you remember in cartoons when the character got so angry his head would spin and smoke would spew from his ears?  Need I say more?

I temporarily stopped what I was doing. I stopped speaking. I did not take the time to grab the second key: envision. In other words,  I did not pause long enough. I did not pause long enough to give myself  time to imagine what the explosion would look like or how I might feel after the eruption much-less how it would make me look in front of the object.

Apologizes were needed. Not because I was wrong but because I reacted rather than respond.

How many explosions would be defused if we would feel before we speak? I think I really need to think about this.


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