It Stinks in Here
Day 6
We had a conversation in Sunday School on this very subject: the smell of sin. Someone made a point that hit home and one I hope I don’t soon forget. The smell bothers us at first but if we don’t deal with it right away we can get use to the smell. Eventually, we no longer smell the stench of our own sin. Yikes!
If we take out the trash each day, it doesn’t have time to stink .
I sin daily so my sin must be dealt with daily.
My spotlight verse this year (spotlight verse is the verse God and I work on throughout the year) is Psalm 51:10, “Create in me a clean heart and renew a steadfast spirit within me.”
David had sinned. (1 Samuel 11) Nathan confronted him and the Holy Spirit led him to a place of repentance and confession. Through true confession and repentance of sin the power of His Holy Spirit can begin to reshape our heart.
Dealing with our sin on a daily basis is the only way to prevent its smell. If we don’t, the smell of sin can overpower the fragrance of God we should emit. In not dealing with our sin on a daily basis we begin to repel rather attract people to the Kingdom of God. We can’t forget to mention the canyon unconfessed sin forms in our relationship with God. We could even get to the point where others can smell our sin but we can not. Oh let this not be so Lord.
And you know, I am learning that church attendance and service, Bible study and worship does not remove the stink of sin. Confession and repentance are the ONLY way the stink is removed. Here is a phrase I learned from my former pastor that helps me with confession and repentance: A change of mind, leads to a change of heart, that results in a change of behavior. Let’s make room for change each day and get the stink out so we can carry the aroma of Christ everywhere we go.
Thanks! 🙂