What is Going On?


As I mentioned Friday, I wanted to take a few minutes to explain a few things about our Bible Studies. I hope this answers any questions you might have. Have a great New Years Eve and day!


[yframe url=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HyCv6DiwzH0′]



“praise the LORD! for the Lord our God, the Almighty reigns.”
Revelation 19:6


Please watch my worship video after the video our guest choose.  As she says, “It’s a gooder.”  Also, she hates to use her shift key.


[yframe url=’http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3p_AI2KjIlc’]take aways


“I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End.” revelation 22:13… living in light of all that heaven is, all that God is, all that Christ has done to welcome me into His kingdom, all that is waiting for me when i leave this life that seems *at times* so wonderful- can i be concerned with the small things? the things that make me stop and wonder if it is all going to work out? the things make me wonder if i should try to handle it myself… NO!!! God clearly states here (and elsewhere) He clearly has it all under control. this statement lets us know that HE’s got it- from the beginning to the end, page 1 to page 1668 and all the pages that exist in human life from the end of His Word til now… and then tomorrow… and until forever. it isn’t like He stops being… it isn’t like His reign ever ends…


realization: the white horse Rider. look at all of His names: Faithful and True, Word of God, King of all kings, Lord of all lords. try to grasp all those names and what each entails… and then try to understand this “a name was written on Him that no one understood except Himself.” (19:12) as much as we know Christ Jesus, the Mighty Victor, who has called us all- adopted us all- enfranchised us all into His Kingdom… as much as we know of Christ, there is more to His character than we can grasp… things we still cannot understand.


live life ready to wear the white. make my actions here contribute to the good deeds of God’s holy people, His saints. not that i am trying to earn my Christ-given garments washed in His blood *because i can’t and never will be able to* but my actions should be aimed to improve and increase the Kingdom. today’s  reading makes me want to share in the wearing of the saints’ good deeds… how can my everyday actions prepare me for that?