The Prophecy Provides: A Prince of Peace

Part 5

I love all the other names of Jesus but there is something about the name Prince of Peace, especially right now. The Christmas schedule was changed and I am running late. I need the Prince of Peace. Saturday a dear woman that I have loved since I was a teenager (She “grew me up.”) found out that she has acute leukemia and is facing four weeks of aggressive chemo. Originally she was told she had 2-6 weeks to live. She needs the Prince of Peace. I wonder, does anyone else need our Prince today?

In a world where we seek to generate our on peace, we need to seek the generator of all peace. The original Hebrew meaning of this word Prince means conductor or generator of. Isn’t that amazing? Before He was ever born, He was prophesied to be what we would need.

Today and every day let’s commit not to seek peace but to seek the generator of peace, our Prince!