
Girls, I was wowed by the Word today. Have you ever randomly opened your Bible and for no reason chosen a scripture to read? I did that today. I loved the Lord for leaving this word from David for me. It gave me great comfort and strength to face to future. Then in true God fashion He gave me the opportunity to share the scripture with two friends who needed it. Isn’t God’s Word amazing? What ministered to and encouraged me also beautifully did the same thing for my two friends. God prepared me. His story started before I even got out of bed this morning then when the time was right He invited me into the story by leading me to scripture these women needed to hear. I am so humbled.

I am reading an incredible devotional called Pierced by the Word by John Piper. If you love Oswald you will LOVE John Piper. If you are looking for a short book to fill the summer between Bible Studies you must read this 31 day devotional. You can purchase it through Proverbs 31. Just click on the book title. It will take you straight to the book.

Let me take a minute to say thank you for all the thoughts and prayers you have offered on behalf of my family. Daddy is doing well. We go see the doctor July 17th. The cancer is in the prostate. From all indications it is Stage 2 and he has a favorable prognosis.

I love the way the body of Christ joins arm and arm when there is one in need. You all are amazing! I am so blessed to be me.

P.S. I forgot to share the scripture: Psalm 31: 15, “My times are in your hands.” If my times are in His hands, my Daddy’s times are in His hands, too. I am so glad He has BIG hands. Aren’t you?