The Thrill of It All

I am reading through the Bible for the 2nd year. I never thought I would do it once but I found just the right Bible. That doesn’t sound right, does it? What I mean is that I found a Bible that is easy to read in a year. It is called the One Year Chronological Bible~New Living Translation. I love it! I feel like I am reading Novel. The New Living Translation makes the Bible easy to understand. Challenge yourself to read through the Bible if you have not ever done so. You will not be sorry you took the challenge.

I read something yesterday I never noticed before, the word thrill. I love this word. I use it a lot. What exactly does it mean? I went to my new favorite website (I realize most of you have known about this site so it is not a big thrill to you. Humor me, ok?) I surfed over to and typed in thrill. Let me tell you, the meaning, well, it thrilled me. Check this out: affect with a sudden wave of keen emotion or excitement, as to produce a tremor or tingling sensation through the body.

2. to utter or send forth tremulously, as a melody.

Now with that definition in mind, read this incredible verse in Psalm 92. (4)
You thrill me, LORD, will all you have done for me! I sing for joy because of what you have done.

Do you see how the definition makes the verse come alive? The LORD (All caps means our Covenant Lord.) keeps His promises to us and then some. He thrills me with a buy one get one on my daughter’s favorite cereal when I am at the end of the month and money. He thrills me when I hear my son give Him credit for the mighty strength demonstrated on an amazing golf shot. He thrills me when my husband loves me like Christ loves the church. He thrills by giving me a life beyond what I could ever imagine. (Not a material life, girls.) He thrills me with the on time accuracy of His amazing and powerful word. Should I go on? I could but I want you to share how He thrills you.

One more thing before you share. The second part of the definition, the melody. Look at the last part of the verse, “I sing for joy…” I love to sing His praises, don’t you? The thrill of the Lord puts a melody on our lips. I am so excited my fingers can barely stay on the keyboard. Wowed again by God!

Now, your turn. Share.