Its Over

I can’t believe it. We plan, we pray, and we prepare. For months our hearts join together for this very special weekend and all to quickly it fades away.

I’m speaking of She Speaks 2008. What an incredibly amazing weekend we experienced! We asked and He answered. We asked for life transformation and we witnessed life transformation. We praise Thee and we exalt Thee for all that you accomplished in and through the lives of your daughters.

I want to thank those of you who joined our staff and team in prayer for this event. We experienced warfare like never before. It was evident that God was going to do something big and He did. The prayers uttered on our behalf crippled the enemy and thwarted his plan. If you attended the conference this year, thank you for allowing our team to serve you. Serving you was truly a high honor. We will continue to pray for you as you resume “life as normal.” I know for many of you things will never be the same again. I would love to hear your amazing She Speaks story. Will you testify? Share with us one amazing thing that you experienced at the conference. I’ll go first.

A woman from my group last year has become a true Barnabas in my life. She heard God whisper “Wendy has a Goliath” during Lysa’s Friday night message. (Remember Lysa spoke about David and Goliath.) He told her to give me a rock, a specific rock that she had used to fight a Goliath in her life. She is a woman of obedience and did as the Lord asked. She brought me the rock Saturday morning. I wasn’t aware I had a Goliath so we smiled hugged and I took the treasure knowing God would explain it all later.

During our commitment time, I laid my card at the foot of the cross and picked up my verse never reading it, then begin to pray with those who came forward. I forgot about the verse. After everything was over. I went to speak to a member of our team and with a few moments of our conversation, the giant came of out my mouth: jealously. I won’t go into detail. I am still trying to process it all.

I later read my verse. It was Jeremiah 29:13, “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you,” declares the LORD, “and will bring you back from captivity.” These are some of my favorite verses in all scripture. How precious of God to arrange for me to chose this card. Well, the amazing is yet to be told.

At the close of the conference, a new friend that I met Friday night spoke a word over me. I told her I had faced a giant that I did not know I had and that I wasn’t sure what it meant and was I was to do with it. She said, ” This is what you do with it, ‘It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.'” (Galatians 1:5) I really did not know what to do with that either.

The dots connected when I unpacked my suitcase Monday. Each card has a watermarked word behind the scripture. I found my card in the bottom of the suitcase turned it over and read it. This is when I noticed it. My watermark was FREE!

Can you believe that? He does not miss a detail. I know you can believe it because you have a story just like mine. Now tell it.