Spring Break or Broke

My kids have been on Spring Break this week. I had a friend tell me she thinks by the end of the week it should be called Spring Broke because parents are broke financially by having tried to keep their kids entertained. As for me, I think of how I usually feel after Spring Break is over: broken physically, worn out, at my wits end, and ready for school to start back.

To my great surprise and sweet blessing, it is the end of Spring Break and I am not “broke” nor do I feel “broken.” God has given our family and wonderful week of great fun and harmony. I have enjoyed the children, they have enjoyed each other so much so that we are not ready for the break to be over.

I was on my knees this morning thanking God for this amazing week. Like I said, in the past as Spring Break concludes, I am on my knees asking the Lord to give me what I need to hold until until school resumes. It is truly by His presence and our acknowledgment of His love for us that we have been able to have such an incredible time together.

Then just a few minutes ago, I received an email from a friend, a younger friend, asking me to pray for two of her friends who are walking away from the Truth they have always known. I will be honest, I said to myself, “I wonder who she is talking about.” (She did not mention names.) I left my computer and started to mop my kitchen floor. The Lord would not let me let this go: Girls, we have got to pray for our young people.

Will you join me in today in praying for all young people? They are the future, our future. My heart is heavy because of the deceptive teaching and doctrines that are surrounding our culture today. Hate is coming from the pulpits of some our churches and Oprah is teaching the world that “We are the savior of the world.” Our young people need us to pray for them, or world needs Jesus so desperately, that they are turning to the false gods of this world.

Lord, your Word clearly foretold of false doctrines and seductive teaching that would capture our attention then draw us away from you. This prophecy is being fulfilled just as you said. I beg you today, Father to radically intervene. Our young people, our world needs a BIG dose of truth. You are the Way, the Truth, and the Life that our world needs. No foe can defeat you. Please Lord, burden our hearts for the future of our world. Bring us together in one heart to pray, lift up, and mentor our young people. They have so many evils and misguided teachings seducing them to leave their first love.

I pray specially for my friend’s two young friends who have been raised surrounded by the One and Only Truth of this world. Would you draw them back to you and call them according to your purpose? Give their families steadfast faith and trust in you to hold on to their children. Surround these families with peace, your peace that surpasses all of our understanding. Amen

I appreciate you reading today. My heart is extremely heavy but also very hopeful in God and God alone.

Back to mopping, and more praying.

For His Renown