We are blessed at Proverbs 31 Ministries to have close to 200,000 subscribers to our online daily devotion,
Encouragement for Today. For over 3 years women and men have allowed us the privilege of sharing our lives with them. I know for me and can probably say for the entire team, that writing
Encouragement for Today has been more than a blessing. I have met new people, been prayed for by individuals that I may never meet on this side of heaven, not to mention the amazing spiritual growth. If you are not a current subscriber, click here if you want to receive this free gift from Proverbs 31:
The women and men we serve send encouragement, comments, and thoughts to us about our devotions. We are blessed by them and many times use them to enhance our devotions. One comment we continue to receive that puzzles this group of ordinary women is: “It seems that you all have it ALL together.” We chuckle each time we hear it, not meaning any disrespect to the sender. We chuckle because it is so far from the truth.
We are women like the lady you work out beside at the gym. You have seen us in the grocery store struggling with a cart full of food and crying children. We may have glanced at each other in the feminine protection isle at Target or perhaps shared at smile at Starbucks while we waited for our tall, non-fat skinny mocha with a pump of something or other.
So I decided to give you a glimpse of the life of this P31 woman. Over the next week I will post some photos of my house. Let me preface this exhibit by saying these ARE NOT staged pictures. What you see in the photos is what you would see if you walked in my house. It is my desire to show you that I am just a woman, who happens to love and serve God in public ministry.
me start with the laundry, everyone woman’s favorite thing to do. We have a balcony area in our home. My children make a game out of the throwing the laundry over the banister into piles. Sometimes they sort but most of the time it just gets thrown in a big pile. Monday is laundry day at our house. But something happened this Monday, let’s see what was it, oh yea, LIFE, and the laundry did not get done. When my daughter told me today that she did not have any brown socks, I knew I better do some laundry. Here’s it is after I sorted it:

Check out this bedroom dresser, the first place that everything gets dumped. My dresser has looked like this for about month now. No kidding. I am really kind of embarrassed that I just said that. I better put “clean the dresser off” on the Saturday to do list. Notice the bag of trash. Arggh!
Well, I think this is about all the honesty I can muster up for now.
Even in the clutter I want to live to make Him famous!