Strict Training Part 2

I thought it was time I gave an update on my exercise saga.

In my earlier post, Strict Training, I discussed my extreme dislike for exercise. It has been an exciting adventure so far with many spiritual lessons. I am still waiting on a deep love for exercise.

The first lesson I was reminded of is a need for accountability. We women love company don’t we? Having company makes whatever we are doing seem more tolerable and somewhat more enjoyable. This is why we go to the bathroom in pairs and don’t like to have lunch alone. Several girls from our staff and team have decided to get into shape and are holding each other accountable for our commitment to the individual goals we have set. Knowing that at on any given day one of my excercising sisters might ask me about my exercise makes me want to stay focused and committed to my goal.

This is just like our walk with the Lord, girls. We must have accountability, company in our walk. I found this to be vital on my adventure with the Lord. My accountability partners not only keep me on the narrow path where I desire to walk they encourage me in the valley and and are there to celebrate with me on the mountain top.

In my next post I will share other spiritual insights that I am learning through exercise. So stay tuned and keep excercising.

For His Renown