Audience of One but Surrounded by Many

I have had floods of emails since my last post. Let me thank you personally from the bottom of Southern heart. As we say in the South, “Awwww, bless you heart.”

When I left my oil at the altar for my Savior on Sunday, my audience truly was one. My hands raised in praise to Him, I sang the words, “Better is one day in your house, better is one day in your courts than thousands elsewhere.” How appropriate, don’t you think? My gift was to one and though the church was full, my audience was one.

Then much to my surprise beginning the next day and as I write today, I am surrounded by many. Not physically, but spiritually. Honestly, I feel as if I am being carried on clouds of prayers. Prayers from people that don’t really even know me or our situation. Isn’t this the miracle of prayer? Prayer connects people in way that nothing else can. Truly, the Holy Spirit intercedes for the saints and unites those who are seeking His will. (Romans 8:26-27)

I don’t know what the future holds but I know that Jesus is the HOPE. He is the Rock of my salvation. I trust Him to allow only that which He has ordained for Scott to touch his life and fulfill His purpose in Scott’s life.