
RTW August 26

Remember My Future She defiled herself with immorality and gave no thought to her future. Lamentations 1:9a     My Takeaways Something Old How can you remember your future, if the future hasn’t happened? Before I knew better: Reckless in my behavior. Relish in my wants. Rebelled against God’s best. Remembered nothing about my future….

RTW August 25

The Exchange You were the model of perfection, full of wisdom and exquisite in beauty. Ezekiel 28:12b     My Takeaways Something Old “I am god!”  Ezekiel 28:2b.  Who sits on the throne of my heart? Something New What is worth the security of having the guiding presence of the Living God leading, protecting, and…

RTW August 24

Ask For The Secrets Ask me and I will tell you remarkable secrets you do not know about things to come. Jeremiah 33:3     My Takeaways Something Old I am the LORD, the God of all the people of the world. Is anything too hard for me?  Jeremiah 32:27 Something New God will restore…

RTW August 23

Know Him I will accomplish this by the hand of my people of Israel. They will carry out my vengeance with anger, and Edom will know that this vengeance is from me. I, the Sovereign LORD, have spoken! Ezekiel 25:14     My Takeaways Something Old In whom or what do I place my trust?…

RTW August 22

Love Of The Fire Just as silver, copper, iron, lead, and tin are melted down in a furnace, I will melt you down in the heat of my fury. Ezekiel 22:20     My Takeaways Something Old I looked for someone who might rebuild the wall of righteousness that guards the land. I searched for…

RTW August 21

The Life I Want You say, “We want to be like the nations all around us, who serve idols and wood and stone.” Ezekiel 20:32a     My Takeaways Something Old This never gets old: There I gave them my decrees and regulations so they could find life by keeping them.  (Ezekiel 20:11) Obedience brings…