RTW March 31

The Weight Of The Generations

Because a generation grew up who did no acknowledge the LORD or remember the mighty things He had done for Israel.
Judges 2:10



My Takeaways

Something Old

Judges 2…. And it happened… everything God said would happen, happened.


We have to

  • Remember the mighty things God has done
  • Have to tell the next generation
  • Tell the next generation to tell the next generation to tell the next generation.

We can’t stop telling, or there will one day be an entire generation who doesn’t acknowledge the LORD. The gospel is too important, God is too great, and salvation was too expensive not to remember to tell.

Who am I telling?

Something New

Judges 1:1

I love they sought the Lord after Joshua’s death. Why did they stop seeking?

Something to Do

Don’t stop telling, Wendy!



©2019 RTW is a membership Online Bible study. The material is copyrighted and intended for the sole use of RTW members. Materials are not available for reprinting or distribution. All video teachings are intended for the sole use of RTW members. They are not available for copy and distribution on of any kind. Thank you.  All Rights Reserved.


  1. Ah, yes, a generation who did not acknowledge God! My heart weeps for my children, grandchildren, great grandchildren and so forth! Dear Heavenly Father, you said you would keep them which I have committed to you against that day!
    A haunting word that Jesus spoke! When the Son of man comes, will He find faith on the earth?” (Luke 18:8)
    Jesus asks this question of whether or not there will even be faith left on the earth at His return.
    Jesus is omnipotent and omniscient, why would Jesus ask such a question.
    In Matthew 24:12, where Jesus was speaking about the time just before His return, He said, “Because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall grow cold.”
    Boundless iniquity and a growing lack of love throughout the earth. In II Thessalonians 2:3 Paul said about the second coming of the Lord, “that day shall not come except there come a falling away first.” A falling away from faith in God throughout the earth. On a national and international scale, faith in God has declined dramatically in the last century especially throughout the nations of the Western world.

  2. Thank you for this lesson Wendy. If we stop telling people about Jesus – sharing the TRUE Gospel – We will one day have an entire generation who doesn’t know who the true God is! Sadly I see it’s already happening. I see people identify themselves as Christians because they are good people and go to church but there is no one good, no not one. They view God as a genie in a bottle – existing to answer their prayers and give them things. Even his name is tossed around like something common and the world says they can identify God in a way they choose. I thank you Jesus that my eyes are opened and You continue to reveal to the depravity of my human nature, And my need for You. You are Sovereign, Lord of all, majestic in nature. May we never forget this and may those seeking You see the truth of who you are and their need for You.

  3. This lesson touched me today, Wendy, in a way that nothing has in a long time. I’ve known that we, as believers, and as citizens of this country and this world, are in a bad place. But to think…how many generations will it be before a generation grows up who doesn’t acknowledge the Lord??? If this doesn’t motivate us to do what we can to pass our love of God on to our children and grandchildren, what will?

  4. Thanks, Wendy. Even though my two sisters were raised as Christians, they have left their faith behind. They live in the same city as my mom and dad who take their grandkids to church every week and faithfully work on their Sunday school papers with them. My parents are aging and are doing what my sisters should do. I wish I lived closer than 2,500 miles so I could help out. I call my mom each week to encourage her as she is getting so tired. I will share this lesson with her that what she is doing is so important (which she knows but she is weary).

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