RTW February 1
He Hears My Cry
God heard their groaning, and he remembered his covenant promise to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.
Exodus 2:24
My Takeaways
Something Old
We were reminded in (Exodus 2:23-25) that even though years pass by and we suffer:
- God hears the cries of his children-He hears your cries and my cries.
- God remembers his promises to us.
- God will act in his time-his timing is never late.
The LORD hears his people when they call to him for help. He rescues them from all their troubles.
Psalm 34:17
The eyes of the LORD watch over those who do right; his ears are open to their cries for help.
Psalm 34:15
So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most. Hebrews 4:16
Something New
Moses is 80yrs old.
Something to Do
Remember that God never forgets.
Well girls, we made it through another book and another month. I’m excited to read Exodus. Please join me with your comments. Sometimes I feel like I’m all alone out here in cyber space. Where is everyone? I would love to read your takeaways.
My Takeaways:
God keeps his promises. Many years had past, but God remembered what he had promised Jacob’s decendants.
Something Old:
God shaped Moses into someone who would save His people. When God sets His mind to accomplish his promises He always wins.
Something New:
” But because the midwives feared God, they refused to obey the king’s orders. They allow the boys to live, too.” Exodus 1:16 These women loved God and trusted Him. What courage they had! Their faith in God gave them the courage to take a stand for what they knew was right. They knew not to go against the law of God and killing babies were against His laws. They went against Pharoah’s authority because they understood what it meant to fear God. They knew the importance of faith and being obedient to God.
Something To Do:
How often have I done something I know is wrong. Where is my courage, my faith? Fearing the Lord is the first step in standing up for what is right – even when it’s hard. These midwives could have lost their lifes, but that didn’t stop them from obeying God. My goal in life should always be to please God, no matter what. When I am faithful, God’s blessings are abundant.
Something Old
Exodus 1:8, “Then a new king came to the throne of Egypt who knew nothing about Joseph or what he had done.” It always strikes me as surprising that while Joseph was once so well known and exalted, he was soon forgotten by the people among whom he had ruled. Yet the Bible records him. Only what is done for the Lord survives the test of time. (The new king’s proper name is not even recorded.)
Something New
This is the first time in reading Exodus that it became clear to me that the situation that resulted in the Israelites being enslaved began with Joseph. At the end of Genesis he put in place agreements for land and servitude in exchange for food. These actions caused the Pharaoh to become far more powerful than before the famine. This new power structure enabled any future Pharaohs to do almost anything they wanted. The one who didn’t even know Joseph’s name chose to go to cruel lengths to suppress and oppress Joseph’s descendants.
Something To Do
I’ve often wondered how and why these Egyptian women revered God. Historians tell us that the midwives were barren women. In this culture having children was a way to obtain respect and these women were without that. But they found meaning in helping other women. What they did on a daily basis was to help to bring forth new life. I wonder if the very act of doing this….and witnessing God’s miracle of creation…….is why they “feared God”. Lord, help me to be aware of your miracles in all situations and to be courageous in standing firm.
Thanks for taking time to share your thoughts. Your insights are always so helpful to me.
Interesting that the midwives were barren. Ex 1:20-21 says that God was good to the midwives and because they feared God, he gave them families of their own.
So glad to see responses on here. I’ve missed that. Maybe people are responding on Facebook.