TGFABT – Psalm 71

What Have I Become?

“I have become like a portent to many, but you are my strong refuge.”
Psalm 71:7

  • Is my hope in the things of this world or the Sovereign Lord? (V5)
  • Does my confidence rest in me or God? (V5)
  • Do I rely on a religion about God or a relationship with God? (V6)
  • Does my mouth boast in or blame Him? (V8)
  • Have I have been teachable? (V17)
  • How do I handle hard times and heartaches? (V20)
  • Am I becoming a portent to the next generation? (V16)

Truth Tuesday

Journal: What truth is God teaching you through Psalm 71?

A confident trust rejoices in God’s unconditional love, accepts His unlimited forgiveness, and counts on His unrestricted restoration. I must not do anything to stunt the growth of my faith.

Word Study Wednesday

I used great restraint in not sharing the Hebrew word for the new word I learned this week. It was the basis of our lesson on Monday.

The word is portent.  “I have become like a portent to many, but you are my strong refuge.” Psalm 71:7

The psalmist has allowed the troubles God has brought him through to shine. Others have noticed him. They refer to him as a portent, a marvel, miracle, or sign. They have seen God work in his life.

The Hebrew word for portent is  mopheth. It’s phonetic pronunciation is mo-faith’. I feel so in love with this word I had so share it with the girls at work.

As we allow God to work and complete His will in our life, we become a portent to others. Others see us  as a mo-faith’ woman.

Deliciously Divine!

Thankful Thursday

Journal: Tell God something that you are thankful for.

I am thankful I felt loved this week in a troubled relationship.

Faith Stretching/Strengthening Friday

Journal: How is God stretching/strengthening your faith?

Don’t treat others the way I think they should be treated based how they have treated me. Treat them the way God says to treat them.

Study Questions

Psalm 71