Psalm 57 – Thankful Thursday

Today I am thankful for music, old and new, from Great is Thy Faithfulness to Christ in Me the Hope of Glory. I carry the lyrics in my soul and they keep my soul from reacting in an inappropriate way.

Study Questions

Psalm 57 Study Questions March 7


  1. I am thankful for this psalm study that helps me to focus on God and His Word. And for our teacher who is so good at taking the content of these scriptures and helping us to connect and relate it to our everyday lives.

  2. I too am thankful for all the hymns and sacred songs that flow through my soul. I love when the Holy Spirit brings a song to mind that I had not thought of in a long time. Such a blessing

  3. Thankful to God today for providing me with the funds and getting the vacation time off from work to come to Branson MO for a Kenneth Copeland conference for the next 4 days at Faith Life Church. And for getting me here safely. I was so nervous to drive 8 1/2 hours and go through some very busy cities, but GOD is so faithful and I had no trouble getting here at all. Praise God!!
    And also for WIFI so I can keep up with my 2 OBS’s while I am here. 🙂

  4. Wendy, have you ever watched The Incredibles? There is a little neighborhood boy who makes the best statement… “THAT was totally wicked!” Over this week, God has brought to my attention and focus on V2, and your teaching today just put an exclamation point on what He was saying to me! “That was totally wicked!!” Ahhhh! So thankfulness for this study!

  5. Today I am Thankful to the God I serve and Him Love for me and my family. I am Thankful for my imperfect life.

  6. Today I am thankful for the sunshine and the flowers starting to poke up out of my garden. I am thankful for the twists and turns in life that I still don’t understand but know they are part of God’s master plan. I am thankful for my son’s father and what a good person he is. I am thankful for good friends. I am thankful for yesterday’s splitting headache because it forced me to go to bed in the middle of the day, which made me so much more productive (and patient) that evening. Ahhh… so much to be thankful for! As always.

  7. I am thankful for winter … and snow … and I wish I had some! I am thankful for all my little Sparkle (grandchildren) who are now surrounding me with Jesus movies playing, coloring and violin practicing while I am trying to think of the million other things I am thankful for! Most of all salvation, the word, Jesus and the Holy Spirit … not to mention My Daddy!

  8. Today I am thankful for God’s love for me and putting wonderful, supportive people in my life.

  9. I am thankful the Lord is speaking to me through this study. I am thankful that He is strengthening me and helping me to grow spiritually. And I am so thankful to learn so many truths and “life-line” verses. I am going to do my best to memorize some of these to help me stand strong and wait patiently during hard times.

  10. I am thankful for God’s love. His love endures forever. His love alone satisfies me. I experienced the overwhelmness of God’s love earlier this week-there is nothing that compares to this.

  11. Dear Wendy & Sisters:
    I am thankful for God love me so much that through years He persevere with lessons on Courage to stand up for Justice, Compassion and Faith.
    Today, I can say that for the first time in my life I felt happy to speak up on behalf of a collague claiming fairness.
    All glory to God without him I would not have done it. Too shy by nature.
    God bless you

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