Serving in Silence

“The greatest among you shall be your servant.”
Matthew 23:11(ESV)

Can I be honest with you? Signing up to be a servant to all is not at the top of list. The thought of serving can be exhausting and overwhelming. Maybe we have that in common.

What is, however, at the top of my list is pleasing Jesus. I bet we have this common too.

I don’t want to please Jesus to be the greatest, I want to please Jesus because I love Him. What do you do know? Another thing we have in common.

Unless we are plugged into our community or are a member of a local church, it isn’t always easy to see the needs of others. I found that once I became active in my church and got to know others, demonstrating the love of God by loving people wasn’t overwhelming. It wasn’t just another thing on my to-do list. My friend Chrystal Hurst puts it like this, “Showing love to others doesn’t need to be complex.

Here are some possible service opportunities, other than sharpening pew pencils.

An underprivileged child needs school supplies; you purchase a book bag and fill it with provisions needed for a successful school year.

A widow is unable to care for her lawn; you create and maintain a list of volunteers to take care of her yard needs.

A member of your church is unable to drive herself to church services; you leave home early each week to give her a ride.

A family in your neighborhood lost their home and all their belongings in a fire; you use your influence on social media outlets to generate assistance.

A shopping cart is left abandoned in the parking lot; you put it back in the return carousel.

What about you? Does the list of examples generate some service ideas for you? Don’t be overwhelmed, serving doesn’t have be complex. Find one act of service that works in your schedule, commit to do it, and keep the secret between you and Jesus.