Awe Gripped

Luke 9:43
“Awe gripped the people as they saw this majestic display of God’s power.”  (Mark 9:14-29

Sometimes it’s difficult to approach God with our need. For the same reason as the father of the demon-possessed boy, I have been apprehensive to my need to God. Sometimes I don’t really believe He will respond.

Day in and day out people disappointment us, saying they say they will do something and don’t. We vulnerably share our feelings and fears only to have them break our trust by sharing with others what we have told them in confidence. These experiences cause us to erect a wall around our heart to prevent further hurt and disappointment. Yes, people let us down but we can believe God will not.

The father asked the disciples to do something only God could do. When they let him down, he was held captive by unbelief. In desperation he set aside his fear, fought through a crowd of, and approached Jesus. He was direct. He wanted his son healed and was not disappointed.

Luke 9:43 tells us the people were awe gripped at the majestic display of God’s power. When was the last time you fought through the fear and doubt that crowds your heart to approach God with a need?

Will you do so today? Be direct. Be patient. He longs for your trust and to awe grip you with a display of His majestic power.

One Comment

  1. Dear God,
    I need to believe I have value. Even if I have no husband or partner. I want to believe I am good enough on my own. I want to care about myself that much. Please help me.

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