RTW March 7

Moab Seduction

While the Israelites were camped at Acacia Grove, some of the men defiled themselves by having sexual relations with local Moabite women.
Numbers 25:1



My Takeaways

Something Old

Baal was the great Canaanite fertility god, and the worship of Baal was a constant enticement for the children of Israel.


  • to lead astray, as from duty, rectitude, or the like; corrupt.
  • to persuade or induce to have sexual intercourse.
  • to lead or draw away, as from principles, faith, or allegiance.
  • to win over; attract; entice.


  • disguises himself as an angel of light. (2 Corinthians 11:14)
  • has nothing to do with the truth, because there is no truth in him. (John 8:44)
  • the lawless one (2 Thessalonians 2:8)

Something New

How do we avoid seduction?

We don’t tolerate it. (Numbers 25:17)

Submit to God completely

James 4:7
Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. (ESV)

  • Know the true Light, so we can recognize the false light.
  • Know Truth, so we can recognize lies
  • Know God’s laws, so we can recognize lawless behavior.

Something to Do

Don’t fall for the seduction of the enemy.



©2019 RTW is a membership Online Bible study. The material is copyrighted and intended for the sole use of RTW members. Materials are not available for reprinting or distribution. All video teachings are intended for the sole use of RTW members. They are not available for copy and distribution on of any kind. Thank you.  All Rights Reserved.


  1. I just wanted to take a moment to update my progress this past week on my vow to the Lord for those who have asked. I am so grateful for those in RTW who are praying for me. ❤️??
    Has anyone else made any “Nazarite” vows to God?

    Today is Day 7 of 31 and I do not miss FB at all in fact, I have much more time to get things done around the house which is a blessing. I didn’t realize the time I was just wasting scrolling. I feel like I might just delete my account after the 30 days, I don’t know yet. The Whole 30 is going better than I could have planned. I am fully committed to it because I committed it to God. He is answering the prayers!! It’s different this time, He showed me its not about me or any of the vain reasons I might have had for losing weight. It’s ALL about honoring Him through eating and moving and I’ve kept my focus on Him and He is giving me the strength. The Whole 30 is just what I needed to get rid of gluten, sugar and dairy to let my body heal. I feel awesome after only just 7 days. I’m walking everyday at a local park trail and just getting out in nature has been so good for my soul, I pop in my RTW song playlist and walk and pray away. I’m so excited to feel healthy again, to feel energized rather than a foggy brained slug and to keep going in this direction. My whole life I’ve struggled with yo-yo dieting and weight loss/gain and food addiction/gluttony. I am also so grateful for the recommendation of the Made to Crave reading plan, it’s SO helpful! Thank you again for your prayers and to anyone who has or is praying for me, they are making such a difference! ❤️

    1. I am praising the Lord with you!! That you for the update! I will keep praying for you on your journey!

    2. Thanks for the update! It was good to hear how well things are going. I plan to keep praying for you through the end of March. Stay strong in the Lord!

    3. Yes! I praise God for His goodness and strength for you! I’m thinking of you often and will continue to pray during your “30.” ♥️

  2. I wondered today who my ancestors are? How far back the generational curse goes in my family line. I have no idea if there were any devout believers in my family tree.

    I never realized before that Caleb and Joshua were the only 2 that survived from the original group.

    I have been seduced or led astray more times than I care to admit since beginning my walk with God. That is all the more reason that daily RTW is so crucial, not only to know God’s word, but to be in constant submission to Him and to it and to strengthen my relationship with Him on a daily basis. I have learned that for me, if I go just 1 day without my quiet time reading or spending time with God, I’m a mess. I don’t know how I made it through those times when I “fell away” from the Lord, only by God’s Grace does He lead me back to Him every single time. God help every one of us to be in constant submission to you. In Jesus name. ❤️

  3. My takeaway from today was Gods hatred of idols. It challenged me to think through what idols I’ve allowed to entice me. I realized I can easily get enticed to worship the idol of “religion” over focusing on relationship with God. I can start wanting to do new things to try to be close to God…the next bible study, new prayer method, new devotional, etc. There is nothing wrong with any of these things but my motivation can be to do more for God and that those things will bring me closer to Him. Often they don’t because I’m performing not humbly coming to him to draw near to Him.

  4. Numbers 25:13 stood out to me. In Phineas’ zeal, he purified the people of Israel, making them right with God.

    There is another occurrence of the word “zeal” in John 2:17 where Jesus is cleansing the Temple and the disciples remember that it is written (Psalm 69:9) that “Zeal for Your house will consume Me.”

    Jesus’ zeal for His Father’s house: Jesus the One who purifies the people, making them right with God.

    I want to be one with that kind of zeal for the Lord, that kind of passion for the Lord. If I had it, would I be a more effective witness to my people?

    Lord, may zeal for your house consume us!

  5. First of all, jlg5309 good job! All of you ladies love your comments and insights! I was struck by the end of our passage today Numbers 26:64-65 “Not one person on this list had been among those listed…
    This made me think of yesterday’s reading and Numbers 23:19 “God is not a man, so He does not lie.He is not human, so he does not change His mind. Has He ever spoken and failed to act? Has He ever promised and not carried it through?”
    God keeps ALL His promises.

  6. Something New
    The tribe of Judah had the most people- 76,500 (Num 26:22) and the tribe of Simeon the smallest-22,200 (Num 26:14)

    God spared Korah’s sons when He killed Korah for rebelling against Moses. (Num 26:11). He is a compassionate God.

    Zelophedad from the tribe of Manasseh had no sons so his daughters names were recorded. I’m assuming this means they received an allotment of land too. Num 26:33

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