Word Up – Gideon 8:4

Exhausted Yet…

Judges 8:4 (NIV) “Gideon and his three hundred men, exhausted yet keeping up the pursuit, came to the Jordan and crossed it.”

Why didn’t Gideon just say, “Guys, we’re weary, tired, and hungry. We got the army and commanders, let’s circle the troops and go home.” Where did he find the fortitude to complete the battle?

  1. Gideon considered God’ past faithfulness when examining his future obstacles. God delivered the Midianites over to Gideon’s army in a big way. This is not something easily forgotten.
  2. Gideon learned friends may disappoint but God will remain true. The rejection of those on the east side of the Jordan made Gideon even more determined to press into God while pressing in on the enemy.
  3. Gideon discovered that victory can be experienced at the end of his weakness. We are strongest when we are weak. (2 Corinthians 12:10)

Are you exhausted today? Have you reached the east side of your victory only to face another battle? Be encouraged friend. God is faithful. He is with you and for you. His plan for you is victory, not defeat. If Gideon, the lowest in his family, from the weakest tribe (Judges 6:15) can confidently defeat his enemies you can too.


One Comment

  1. Thanks Wendy for continuing to be a part of my spiritual journey! I look forward to your “Word Up” videos and your interpretation and insights gleaned. As well as application to our lives. You are a cherished sister in Christ. You are loved! Deb E

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