Let’s Be Women Who Pray

I am a survivor of some tough challenges. Challenges that stole my energy, zest for life, and belief that things could change. The days were long and nights were longer. Have you experienced an ongoing challenge where each day faded into the next and you wondered how you would make it through?

We turn to godly friends for wise counsel. Maybe tune into a podcast for an encouraging sermon, or our local Christian radio station for inspirational lyrics to stir our soul. Perhaps we scroll through our social media newsfeed for quotes, prayers, and memes as a source of comfort. As a last resort we bow our head to pray but the words won’t come… we are too tired to pray.

I read of a man who faced ongoing challenges; trails with the potential to rob him of spiritual, mental, and physical strength. He didn’t have a podcast or Christian radio to stir his spirit. He lived in a time without social media for spiritual encouragement. And his wise friends? Well, let’s just say he was the one everyone turned to in times of crisis. When things got tough for Nehemiah, he prayed. Even in the arduous of times, he was not too tired to pray.

Here’s the back story, but for all the details read Nehemiah 1-7.

The exiles returned from 70 years of Babylonian captivity. Their homeland lay in ruined. Nehemiah, a Jew who served King Artaxerxes of Persia, received a letter from his brother about the devastation in Judah. He wept and mourned over this news. Heart-sick, the Cup-Bearer asked the king for the necessary resources and the time off needed to rebuild the wall around the vulnerable city. The king agreed to both.

Fast forward.

Officials, Sanballat and Tobiah, were determined to undermine the rebuilding progress. These two rotten scoundrels tried every dirty trick to thwart the progress. Nehemiah responded to each insult and obstacle the same way: he prayed.

Through the power of prayer the enemies were defeated and the wall was rebuilt, in record time. What a wonderful encouragement for anyone struggling with life’s hard times and heartbreaks… when we are too tired to pray.

Nehemiah taught the Israelites and me that praying is the response our soul needs to be revived. Prayer restores the energy and vitality we need to continue moving forward!

We don’t have to be experts on prayer, we just need to be women who pray. Today’s challenge will be tomorrow’s victory.

Check out the new printable and print: “I’m not an expert on prayer. I’m just a woman who prays.” Purchase and frame for constant daily encouragement for you or someone you know who is struggling.  Store

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