Mid-Week Worship: “Christ Is Enough” by Hillsong

As we go into the year 2018, let this be our prayer:

“Christ is enough for me! Christ is enough for me!”


  1. Hi Wendy,
    I agree with you that the transition from the holidays to a new year can be daunting.
    This past advent season I purposely chose to make an Christmas Bible study a priority
    to help me keep Christ the focus of the season which helped me stay calm er past Christmas season.
    Today I face 1/1/18 and as I set out new calendars I’m hopeful to shed some of the
    baggage of bad habits by clinging to my Lord and His Word so my life will reflect the fruit of the Spirit. I know that the Bible Study that you’ve written for Wait and See will be very helpful to me in my journey this new year.

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