Psalm 61

A Place of Praise

 “So I will sing praise to Your name forever,
That I may pay my vows day by day.”
Psalm 61:8


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Let’s be Savior aware~ Less self aware

  • Praise confuses the enemy
  • Praise encourages our heart.
  • Praise changes our perspective
  • Praise now builds our spirit trouble later.
  • Praise repairs emotional overdrafts.
“Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18


  1. Thanks Wendy. Just what I needed to hear this morniing. I think I’m a little empty. Even after a wonderful Easter service, I feel dull. Could be the season of kids growing up and we are not all together. I’m putting on my earbuds and some loud praise music this morning.

  2. Thank you for sharing this Holy Spirit inspired message today. Some days I have to be determined to praise Him NO MATTER WHAT. Thank you for the encouragement! God is so good. I used to listen to hymns through cyberhymnal. I finally bought an app where I can access a full hymnal. Singing praise songs is the best way to start my day! Praise God!

  3. Thanks, Wendy! I really needed this message! My day has already been totally rearranged and I was lamenting that when I decided I was going to listen to your message today first thing. I will praise God today through all the inconveniences that are coming my way and through the frustration that I am not doing what I “needed” to do today! God bless!

  4. I think of that chorus I use to sing as a youngster:
    “Praise Him, praise Him
    Praise Him in the morning, praise Him in the evening
    Praise Him, praise Him
    Praise Him when the sun goes down.”

    Praise Him!

  5. Thank you for today’s lesson that made me cry… Your last comment about praise repairing emotional overdrafts is true and one that I have been focusing on this year. Last year the over drafting hit a climax, and I had no more joy. I entered a prison of constant disappointments. Due to my daughter’s disability, when I would try to make plans to do something, something would happen in her world, that would make my plans get cancelled. After so many disappointments, I just stopped making any plans and just stopped doing. Needless to say, that even though God was faithful in my life, and I turned to him in prayer, I had lost all joy…. So this year is my year of praise… Actually thanksgiving – Eucharisteo. I’m writing down, every day, each and every occurrence of how I see God working in my midst, the God Moments-10 thousand reasons is my goal. As I have focused on thanks, everything began to change. Oh the circumstances and trials are very much still in my life, but joy has returned. My emotional tank is not full yet, and I have/am learning to continually be in an attitude of thanksgiving, to keep from having meltdowns. Last week, I was so looking forward to going to the last supper communion service at my church. I planned to go by myself. Dana’s aide was going to be at the house. I thought about it all day. Then… The aide got stuck in a 2hr traffic jam, which made her late, and I was not able to go. I was NOT thankful!-tank drain Then on Friday, I wanted to go hear my husband speak at church during the Good Friday services. I was trying to be flexible, not worrying if I would make it. About 30 min before I had to leave, Dana wanted to eat-no problem. Wait Dana, your diaper needs to be changed first, no problem. Let’s change you first… Oh, your diaper flooded, let me change your clothes. Dana decided that she didn’t want her diaper on, and forget the dry pants-even though they are identical to the wet ones. Phew… Finally dressed after a Dana tantrum. Lets go eat, I still have time… Now she didn’t want to eat because she was mad about the diaper/pants change… Ugh…. I’ll never make it now. Send Sam to video tape the message… He doesn’t want to go… Tank on overdraft… I melted down… Will I ever be able to make plans and have them happen?!? BUT God… Easter morning, we were at the beach, Dana woke me up at 5am-did I tell you how much I need my sleep? I was wide awake. Steve woke up too, and he said, you know we never get to do this, want to go see the sunrise? Sam is here and Dana fell back to sleep. So we got to celebrate Easter morning sunrise, just the two of us walking on the deserted beach, praying, and seeing the Son rise. It was so NOT planned by me, but completely planned by God! Thank you God for your plans… They are so much better than mine… My tank is getting full again, but only as I continually thank HIM!

    Wendy, your message is a precious blessing to me and just put an exclamation point on what God is trying to teach me! Thank you- Wendy, you are one of my 10000 reasons!

    1. Praying for you Linda, that the Father would wrap His loving arms around you and fill you with His peace and comfort and give you strength for each day. Thank you for giving me a glimpse of your life to show me I have nothing to complain about. Psalm 62:5 Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from Him. God bless you, you are a blessing Linda.

  6. Sweet Wendy, loved your heart-Spirit-filled lesson this morning!
    Your words today: Let’s be Savior aware~ Less self aware, reminded me of words I wrote in my journal this past weekend:

    Sin = selfishness
    God’s way = self less ness

    Finding that place of assurance and security comes through practice. Just like you said, “do – it!” What I am learning (after lots of practice,) is “we truly get it” as we learn to just “do – it!” Many years ago I received a small ipod shuffle. I began loading it w praise songs. Most of them were ones we sang in church or ones I’d hear through your blog. Daily I began listening to them while I walked or did the treadmill. This worship time quieted me and got me ready to pray. I can’t tell you how many times I have been refreshed and made new after only a few songs! More so even when I am weary and not in the mood to work out! But, over the years I’ve learned, – that this is even when I most need to do it! When I’m not in them mood! When my emotions have the better of me. Most certainly, we “get it,” as we learn to “do it on purpose!” : )

    So, getting back to what you said about finding that place of “assurance.” –
    This past week I read in my study notes from my application Bible – that peace comes through our love of God/and our obedience to Him. Trusting in God alone.Through this trust we have full “assurance” in Him….well, I decided to look up “assurance.”
    It simply amazed me!
    “Assurance” —
    Presume it to be true
    Affirm it
    Profess it
    With certainty and a boldness
    To declare it

    So, today what you shared with us even makes better sense to me! How do we find a place of security and assurance? Through our PRAISE! The “assurance” comes as we open up our mouths and declare it aloud with boldness and certainty and trust because we presume it to be true! WOW And the more we declare it the more we learn to live according to God’s way, and not our selfish way.

    Oh, how we do need Thee every hour!

    May we choose this week to sing praises to God, for this truly IS God’s will for us.

  7. Praise is, indeed, a mighty weapon best used in the spiritual battles of our lives. I am facing some very large challenges from several directions this day. Wendy, every part of your message resonated and renewed my commitment to praise Him though it all. For it is easy to be jubilant when all is well, but it is significant when it is done in the frightening face of looming heartache. I am looking for my many emotional overdrafts to be “paid in full”. Thank you for listening to God and for caring enough to pass it on… the baskets of loaves and fish, it is being multiplied in the lives of those receiving.

  8. AWESOME message today Wendy, thanks for the reminder to be less Self aware and more Savior aware and praise HIM no matter what!!! It is so easy to grumble and complain in our struggles. Thanks for helping us to confuse the enemy by Praising the Lord 🙂

  9. I totally agree with all the points made in this weeks lesson. I have noticed also that to praise my children, especially teenagers, or to let them hear me praising God for them, has made a huge difference in my relationship with them.

  10. Thank you for this lesson! So so true about the emotional overdraft Wendy, and I thank you for sharing that you feel that way. Praise gets us through those days when we can’t get through them on our own. Praise lifts us up when we are down it gives us the strength to take that next step when we don’t think we can. Like you said praise especially when we don’t feel like it is the best medicine!
    Thank you Father God for how awesome you are thank you for Your love and Your mercy thank You for filling me and showing me that all I need is YOU!

  11. I just love the answer, “Just do it, even if you don’t feel like it. Just do it.”

  12. Savior-aware from self-aware and praise helps us bear trouble later…love it! Yes, I am three weeks behind. This morning playing catch up. It’s been hectic for me this month.

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