Refresh Button

Who doesn’t want to live a redeemed life? Well, unless we understand what redeemed means then maybe that question is hard to answer. So let’s have a little Q&A.

What does redeemed mean?

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary redeemed means:

  • to make something that is bad, unpleasant, better or more acceptable
  • to exchange something
  • to buy back something

What does this have to do with me?

We were unpleasant to say the least. Lost in sin. In a word, bad. God, seeing our unpleasant, lost in sin, and bad state sent Someone better and more acceptable as an exchange for our unpleasant, lost in sin, and bad state. His Son’s name – Jesus.

God bought our life back by the giving of Son so that we can live eternally with Him.

If you believe this simple truth and have confessed your sin to God then you are saved—you are redeemed.

How do I live redeemed?

  • Believe that are and live like you believe.
  • Leave the pains and failures of the past in past.
  • Live God’s Word. Let it shape your present and create your future.
  • When you run into a pause and feel weak in your faith, hit refresh on some of your favorite scripture to remind you that you are redeemed.

Psalm 23

  • He gives all you need. (v1)
  • He lets you to rest. (v2)
  • He leads you. (v2)
  • He renews you. (v3)
  • He guides you. (v3)
  • He keeps you company. (v4)
  • He protects you. (v4)
  • He raises you up. (v5)
  • He honors you. (v5)
  • He pursues you. (v6)
  • He will spend eternity with you. (v6)

I love pressing refresh. I love being redeemed.

That’s all.


  1. I would Love to hit a Refresh button & I know I’ve been redeemed. I think that’s why I’m still alive from our accident & now its just taking awhile for me to grow better!

  2. Jesus is all I need! He is enough! I’m learning this truth more and more these days. Thanks for your devotional! I needed this reminder.

  3. Perfect! Thank you for your encouraging words that were sent from the Lord. I love how God spoke to my heart, even more so today, since my “one word” for this year is…. yep, you guessed it- refresh!

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