Pick Me!

Walk with the wise and become wise.”

Proverbs 13:20a (NIV)

To be popular was all I wanted. Designer jeans, a cool car, and the right hair were all part of the plan.

As I grew up nothing changed. Popular now meant the right group of friends, whose kids were popular, and husbands were perfect.

Maybe, you too, are on the outside believing belonging will satisfy.

But does it? Can it?

Could it be the right group is the actually the wrong group?

Jesus’ group was a far cry from the most popular and likely to succeed. A tax collector and smelly fishermen would have appeared to be the wrong group.

As I’m growing I’m learning the right group is those who are strong in the Lord, committed to His Word and His Ways.

Different starts when we allow God to help us be wise in choosing friends.

Begin with prayer; ask God to bring a wise friend into your life. Then watch for His movement. Leave room for God to surprise you. He might just choose a smelly fisherman to be your closest friend.


  1. I have been struggling with this for a while. I live in a community that is very clannish and many of the things you have mentioned are important to others. Our (my husband’s and mine) priorities have changed since we were younger and it is hard here to find true friends who share the same values. I have prayed for God to send someone who will be a true friend. We have even discussed moving after our children graduate and I retire. It seems that when we go other places to visit, we meet the most friendly and genuine people, which makes it harder being here. Thank you for sharing this.

  2. Love it!! I can totally relate… Thanks so much for the reminder.

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